To blog or not to blog is the question I have been pondering lately.
Ever since November so much has changed that I haven't really made the time to blog and I didn't really know if I wanted to anymore. But now that this semester is over I feel like I am sort of starting fresh and mine as well pick up blogging again. I really love blogging so I can't see the reason to stop now!
But enough with my excuses for not posting!
Here is what I am currently loving to catch you up on my life-
This view:
This picture does no justice for how pretty the Blue Ridge really is. There's nothing like the mountains to keep your sanity in check.
This weather:
Up until yesterday the weather has been so wonderful! The fact that I can wear capris and a light sweater in December makes me happy!
This quote:
(here's the dress I wore to our semi before we left for Winter Break!)
There's nothing like gathering around a bonfire with family and friends during the winter months.
I know Christmas is right around the corner and I hope everyone has their shopping done already! I went to Charleston all day yesterday to finish mine up, last minute of course, and it's like 100 pounds off my shoulders!
Did anyone else finish up last minute shopping this weekend?!
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
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